Tori Bice, Chinese cultural dance
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  Victoria Yangzi Bice - Education  

I started preschool at Hanover Academy in Ashland, Virginia where I received a solid foundation and was reading, writing, and doing math before kindergarten. Later, we moved to the "west end" of Glen Allen, Virginia where I attended Rivers Edge Elementary School in Glen Allen, Virginia from 2nd to 5th grade.

At Rivers Edge, I was enrolled in the gifted program when I learned of an exciting path to knowledge called International Baccalaureate (IB). A challenging curriculum with a global focus was attractive and I put a lot of effort into applying. After being selected, I decided to try my hand at leadership and ran for student council. I was:

  • SCA President at Moody Middle School (IB program) in 7th grade
  • Class Vice President at Tucker High School (IB program) in the 9th grade
  • Class Vice President at Tucker High School (IB program) in the 10th grade
  • Class Vice President at Tucker High School (IB program) in the 11th grade

Take a look at my student resume.