Tori Bice, Chinese cultural dance
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  Victoria Yangzi Bice - About Me  

You could say that I have been multicultural since birth. My father was raised on a farm in the hills of North Alabama and my mother was raised on the city streets in P.R. China. From infancy, my parents worked during the day while my Chinese grandparents took care of me. Since they did not speak much English, I acquired a good foundation in Mandarin at an early age and to this day I have conversation with my grandparents in Mandarin. I also learned to read/write in Chinese by taking classes during my elementary school years.

In December 2009, I traveled with my family to visit my mom`s home country and experienced the cities of Shanghai, Maanshan, Wuhu (my mom`s hometown) and Beijing. Here I am standing on the Yangzi River, which is where I get my middle name. It is symbolic because this river runs through the middle of my mom`s hometown.

About twice per year, my dad and I travel to his hometown in Huntsville, Alabama to visit my grandmother, cousin and the rest of the family. This photo is my cousin Jamie and I on a hunting trip near the farm where my father grew up in North Alabama.