Tori Bice, Chinese cultural dance
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  Victoria Yangzi Bice - Activities  

I always have a very busy schedule and stay involved in some wonderful programs.

Pacific Arts Troupe - I have danced for many years with Pacific Arts Troupe and have loved every minute. Pacific Arts Troupe was founded by Bank of America Associates Jaye Li and Sherry Li and the organizations mission is to "... present the greater Charlotte area, greater Richmond area, and neighboring states fine arts of the Pacific Rim by promoting appreciation of the diverse classical and contemporary Asian art forms including dances, fashion, music, martial arts, and cultural exhibits."

IMUNA - For 10th, 11th and 12th grade years, I have participated in the International Model United Nations Association. This program offers a unique experience for high school students and "... supports the next generation of globally-minded leaders by facilitating cross-cultural debate and exchange programs. IMUNA equips students with the academic and social skills necessary to solve some of the world's most pressing international issues."

Capital Debate - Capitol Debate is a 1 month summer camp that uses an impressive staff of expert debate instructors to "... enrich the social, intellectual, and academic lives of our students through the debating process, helping them to cultivate the public speaking and leadership skills that are so vital to later career success." Students are partner, a subject and must compete against other teams. They must learn to argue for and against a given subject.

Field Hockey - My favorite way to stay in shape and build new friendships.

KOM - Kick-Off Mentor is a program whereby juniors and seniors can help incoming freshmen get adjusted to high school life.

Chinese New Year Festival - For the last couple of years, I have been asked to be the announcer for the Chinese New Year Festival sponsored by the Organization of Chinese Americans.

YouTube Video Cooking Channel - My friend, Sophia, and I love cooking dishes from around the world and we decided to make our own video channel on YouTube called "sofrickintorific" to show off our skills. You can watch some of our videos at Our Channel on YouTube.